St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Rummage Sale & Open House

St. Paul's Episcopal Church 3rd and Safford Streets, Tombstone, Arizona

On Saturday, May 8, 2021 you won't want to miss St. Paul's Episcopal Church Rummage Sale & Open House. Featuring: A Super Rummage Sale from 8 am - 2 pm.…

Tombstone Forward presents: Wyatt Earp: A Life on the Frontier

Schieffelin Hall 4th & Fremont, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Tombstone Forward Presents Wyatt Earp: A Life on the Frontier Featuring Wyatt Earp as Wyatt Earp The Story Hollywood Didn’t Tell Meet the Man and not the Myth! Set in…


Arizona Rangers Parade on Historic Allen Street

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Arizona Ranger Parade on historic Allen Street in Tombstone, Arizona Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 12:00 Noon on Independence Day Weekend! Presented by Tombstone Forward Association Sponsored by: C-A-L Ranch…

Tombstone Fourth of July 2021

Medigovich Field

Tombstone, Arizona is a small town and as such has small town activities for our nation’s birthday. The City of Tombstone will conduct fireworks on the evening of July 4,…


Tombstone’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

The Tombstone Chamber of Commerce invites you to join our town in meeting on Allen and 5th Streets at 5:30pm to enjoy hot cocoa and caroling before the lights are…

Christmas Carols in the City Park

Schieffelin Park (Tombstone City Park) 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

The Calvary Church will be holding an evening of Caroling at the Tombstone City Park on Sunday, December 19, from 4pm - 6pm. Come listen to the carols while enjoying…

Schieffelin Days 2022

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

The Tombstone Goodenough Mine Tour is hosting “Schieffelin Days”. The big event to take place on Saturday will be the Desert Donkey Race. There are lots of activities planned. We…

Tombstone Wine Celebration

Schieffelin Park (Tombstone City Park) 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Join us in the Tombstone City Park on the corner of historic Allen street and 3rd streets.  You will enjoy offerings from several Cochise county wineries and Tombstone food stands while…


2nd Annual Arizona Ranger Day Parade

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

2nd Annual Arizona Ranger Day Parade Watch the Parade as it comes down historic Allen Street. Celebrate the 4th of July weekend in Tombstone, Arizona! The Parade will be on…


Doc Holli-Days

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Another Doc Holli-Days event is coming to TOMBSTONE! August 12th ~ 14th 2022. Welcome to The Annual DOC Holli-DAYS Event! This event weekend is dedicated to celebrating the life and…

Tombstone Car Club Car & Bike Show

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Join the Tombstone Car Club as they award trophies for the best Cars & Bikes at this premier event. Want to take part? Show up with your special vehicle at…

Trail Gathering in Tombstone

Schieffelin Hall 4th & Fremont, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Join us January 24 to 26, 2023 for the 2023 Southern Trails Chapter of the Oregon California Trails Association Trail Gathering in Tombstone, AZ. There will be talks about the…

Last Gun Standing – Quick Draw Competition

City Parking Lot - Auto Corral 361 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

Tombstone Forward Association and the Old Pueblo Gunfighters present "Tombstone Gunfight 2023 - Last Gun Standing"  Quick Draw Competition. Friday & Saturday, April 24th & 25th in the City Parking…

Tombstone Rose Festival

Downtown Tombstone 311 E. Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ, United States

This yearly event celebrates the blooming of "The World's Largest Rose Tree". The ‘Softer Side of Tombstone’ is celebrated each spring with the Tombstone Rose Festival. The annual celebration is…
